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Install Video 4 – Attaching the Rail Crosspiece Seal

Video Transcript

To prepare for the installation of the rail cross piece seal we need to thoroughly clean all the surfaces with a provided rubbing alcohol wipe. That would be this angled edge of the rail cross piece and the very end of the rail itself. If the rail cross piece and the rail are not properly clean the seal will not adhere sufficiently. Be sure not to touch any portion of the cleaned rail with your hands once cleaned. To prepare for the installation the rail cross piece seal. We’ll want to align the rail cross piece with the outside edge of your rail. Line it up with the outside edge of the rail and then we’re going to take your scissors and we’re going to notch out a corner of the rail cross piece seal so that it fits nicely around the outer rail seal. Take the scissors line them up. and then we’re going to take out that corner. Peel the backing off of the tape about a foot at a time and then we’ll apply it to the underside of the beveled edge on the rail cross piece. When we get to the other end of the rail crosspiece we’ll trim the rail cross piece seal to length. Lining up with the outside edge of the rail. With the rail cross piece seal trimmed to length will now notch out at the corner for fit, just like we did on the other side. The final step in installing the rail cross piece seal is to apply firm pressure across the entire length of the seal to ensure good adhesion.